““Growth is painful. Change is painful. But nothing is as painful as staying stuck somewhere you don’t belong.””
It is human nature and our instinct to avoid pain; however, we are often doing the very thing that exacerbates our pain. In avoidance of pain we try to keep things the same, avoid the problem, deny the problem, stuff it deep down inside in hopes that it will go away. In doing this we not only perpetuate the problem, we are contradicting the very purpose of our defense mechanism.
But what if we were BOLD, accepting that we are afraid of pain but desire to be and FEEL BETTER even more than our FEAR! Embracing change is not easy but often what is most important is not easy, not often acceptable, or even pleasing at first glance. At second glance, looking at the BIG picture, conflict and pain is what propels our life forward because it forces us to change and ultimately grow. Without it, we would stay where we are and have no opportunity for BETTER. Maintaining the STATUS QUO is a natural and normal instinct, AND it is also truly rewarding when we push forward to CHANGE the status quo and embrace NEW LIFE.
What steps will you take today to experience NEW LIFE?